Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm back

Photo by Allison V. Smith

Everyone is busy, so I have no excuse for my long absence from the world wide interweb. I am new to blogging, but I can only hope that others have experienced dry spells in their blog. However, my blog block has been lifted and I'm walking on the sunny side of broadband street. Let me do my best to get you caught up...

The Johnnie Winona Ross show is still hanging and it's still beautiful. The work is a nice step back from a hectic daily routine. Even if your routine isn't that hectic, this exhibition makes you feel like you oughta slow down a little and appreciate life more. It is quiet, commanding, and demands to be actually looked at for some duration. The paintings were made in such an exposed manner that nearly every visitor inquires about some aspect of Ross' profoundly traditional process. It's nice to have a break from the barrage of visual noise we continually experience.